Ready to build a business
that runs itself ? 
Introducing my signature program,
Pet business accelerator.
Inside, i give you my simple step-by-step system designed to help you prepare your business for hiring, hire & lead your own team and take your business and life to a whole new level.
I know you crave freedom.
Expanding and Hiring seems like the Answer, but There’s a ProbLem … You Don’t Know How to Make it Happen.

Maybe you’ve tried, but simply can’t find the time or energy to do it.

Maybe you’re stuck in the “research phase”
Maybe you are already making some good money, but would like to increase your income without a burnout

Maybe you are ready to go, but are worried about your clients’ acceptance of staff

Sometimes you wonder, if it’s even possible for you!

You’re in the right place.
I have supported solo dog walking business owners just like you who felt stuck … until they met me.
I help ambitious go-getters, like you, grow their business that gives them the freedom to do whatever they want with their life.
It is my mission to take away the mystery of hiring a team by outlining every single step to success inside my program, Pet Business Accelerator.
How would it feel to –
  Stop guessing and googling trying to figure it all out?

  Take off on all Holidays & weekends to spend the time with your family and loved ones?

  Quit second guessing yourself and run your business with ease?

  Have a clear blueprint for your hiring success?

  Wake up to new notifications for new potential clients?

  Take off on all Holidays & weekends to spend the time with your family and loved ones?

  Have a consistent and predictable stream of income at the beginning of every month?

  Hit six figures in your Dog Walking Business without a Burnout?

  Put energy into your business in a way you know it will serve you long-term?

  Make a positive, wide reaching impact in your community?

  Not having to worry about income loss in case of an emergency?

All this is 100% possible for you.
I did it, my students are doing it, and you can do it too.

How? The answer is simple:


When you replace yourself with your own Employees, you can increase your income while significantly scaling back on the amount of time you spend working.

Unfortunately most dog walkers are still trading their time for money, and limiting themselves greatly by staying in their comfort zone.
THE Comfort Zone

The comfort zone

is all about high activity.

The comfort zone is all about high activity.

To make enough money, you need to stay in constant working mode. So you do everything: walk the dogs, visit the cats, post on Instagram, field client’s calls, conduct Meet & Greets … the list goes on!

Let’s say your hustle pays off, you increase your prices a little bit! But, usually this short win is followed by exhaustion once again.

You still have no idea when your next off day will be.

You have no energy to grow your business, and you have no space. You can hardly celebrate your wins because you immediately start going out into the field. So you keep going. And maybe you take on a few more clients.

More clients means more time working.

You’re thankful for your clients you have, but now all of your time is spent serving current clients which makes it even harder to find the time to keep developing your business.

The comfort zone leads to settling or burnout.

1. Settle with an income cap

You understand how much you can work and remain healthy. For the sake of balance, you choose to settle with the income you’re capable of earning doing it all by yourself.

2. Work more hours and burn out

You push yourself and keep hustling but eventually become burned out, start resenting the work you do, potentially compromise the quality of your work, and often miss out on precious time with your family you’re working so hard for.

There is a better way.

I replaced the “Comfort Zone” with expansion systems.

Going Premium

 You can only sustainably grow by providing premium services AND charging premium rates. That’s the start for you to afford start hiring and turn over your responsibilities to qualified staff.


Rather than guessing on how to hire, train and manage your first few staff members, I will show you exactly how to do everything and how to develop yourself into a great leader.

When these two Systems are set up correctly, you will have a scalable business that essentially runs itself.
Now, I want to show you how.

In case we haven’t met …

I’m Zue

In case we haven’t met yet …
I’m Zue, a german girl, who moved to the U.S. at the tender age of 20, not willing to submit to a conventional life path. From then on, I worked like crazy to design a life where I could do what I truly enjoyed all day, everyday.
After setting myself free from the rat race through entrepreneurship, I became obsessed with helping dreamers (and realists, too) break free from the daily grind by starting and growing their own dog walking business.
I believe in family first, and worked hard to create a business that works for me…not the other way around. If I had to choose between a 6-figure company that required a lot of my time, and a smaller business that requires less of my time, I would take the smaller business ANY DAY. But the thing is … I don’t have to decide! And neither do you!
Over the last 5 years, my business has generated an annual six-figure income. The best part? I rarely work more than 15 hours/week. To be honest, I often work as little as 5 hours/week!

It’s hard to believe how much my life has changed. I’m able to take off regularly for vacations, enjoy my weekends with my family and hobbies, and live a life that is truly free and inspired. Expansion has allowed me to increase my income and impact within my communicty while taking time for what’s important to me. I’m so thankful!

Your craziest dreams are completely within reach.
I believe that anyone who is willing to work hard to create a business that runs itself should have the tools to make it happen.
That’s why I created Pet Business Accelerator.
Growing your business doesn’t have to be a constant struggle.
I’ll level with you: It takes a lot of work to get started. But! Once you hire your first Employee, you will be unstoppable.

And it doesn’t have to take forever. I hired a full team within 15 months of my first Employee.

My program, Pet Business Accelerator, will take all the guess work out of growing your business and hiring – drastically speeding up your success.

Pet Busines Accelerator will give you a proven process to follow and everything you need to build a thriving 6-figure business, while you live your life.
  Watching others grow big companies

  Business guessing game

  Wishing and waiting for it to come together

  Wondering when your next off day comes

You can hire staff and take back your time …

Starting now.

So what is

Pet Business Accelerator?

So what is Pet Business Accelerator?

Pet Business Accelerator is my Signature Program that will show you exactly how to expand your business and hire staff.

When you register, you’ll get access to my incredible course, which includes in-depth training videos, workbook, email templates and tutorials.
I broke it all down to make it simple, easy to follow, and results-oriented.

Pet Business Accelerator gives you everything you need to hire and grow your business…
… even if your rates are not reflecting your premium care.
Pet Business Accelerator will help you determine the rates needed to thrive and how to make that change across your entire client base.

… even if you’re way too busy right now.
That’s why you’re here. Pet Business Accelerator is designed to help you change that. Everything is taught staright to the point, so you won’t have to spend your time listening to fluff.

… even if you are scared to make the jump.
Pet Business Accelerator will support you in making that change by supporting you through mindset changes. I’m here to hold your hand.

No matter where you’re at now, by the end of Pet Business Accelerator, you will have a business that can afford to hire, a staff and a roadmap to help you scale even further.

My students join Pet Business Accelerator feeling exhausted and overwhelmed, and walk away with a thriving business by taking themselves out of it…

Accelerator Content Outline

 Pet Business Accelerator will take you step-by-step through the process of premium-positioning your business and hiring your staff members. This program is jam-packed with content, but is broken down into actionable steps throughout 8 modules that you can work through at a steady pace with weekly coaching support.

There are three phases overall inside Pet Business Accelerator:

You will assess the readiness of your business to start hiring and learn about the steps in order to get you there. When you take the guessing game out of the numbers you will be able to confidently march ahead! In this phase, you will…
  Find out which mind blockage are holding you back and how to overcome them

  Get crystal clear on what you want out of your life and business

  Learn how to think like a successful business owner and program your mind for success

  Narrow in on exactly who you want to serve and how

  Put the perfect price tag on your services

  Zoom out and uncover your big-picture goals

  Find out why and how to change your messaging across your business immediately

  Use my self developed payroll calculators to determine the numbers you will need to charge/pay in your business

  Become very comfortable with numbers in your business and learn which ones you need to pay close attention to  

Confidently walk into the world of hiring with all the guess work taken out of it – I give and explain everything to you – from the first job posting, to qualifying the right candidates for an interview, to setting up ann interview and eventually hiring and onboarding your Employee.
  Get clear on what content needs to be covered in a job posting to hire qualified staff

  Learn how to change your communication with your clients before and after you hired Employees

  Learn the step-by-step process in order to setup an interview

  Find out how to define your perfect candidate

  Be confident when calling references by learning what questions to ask

  Get crystal clear on what questions to ask during the interview process and how to make sure the candidate tells the truth

  Learn all about the onboarding process and rely on my to-do list so you won’t forget anything

  Take & Modify my Employee Handbook and Training Manual so your Employee can have a smooth start

After you have hired your first Employee, you will learn how to train and manage them, so they are excited to be part of the company and the clients will fall in love with them. Then we will take a deep look at how you can develop yourself as a great leader and set up systems and processes for your business, so you can keep growing.
  Learn how to lead your staff in the same direction as you’d like for your company to go in

  Get my Training plan so you can set your Employees up for success

  Get the templates to perfectly introduce your new staff members to your clients

  Get the support to take your own personal development to the next level

  Set up processes to easily take yourself out of the business

  Set your Employees up for success with Operations Manuals

There a few courses out there right now.

What makes Pet Business Accelerator different?

Accelerator gives you everything.

You won’t just get the technical nuts and bolts of growing a business. Sure, I include in-depth videos…but I also include training on mindset, organization, time management, and goal setting (the unsung heroes of business success). Accelerator is a holistic business-building system but i’ve worked very hard to condense the information into actionable videos so that you’ll be making progress and tracking towards your goals rather than just consuming hours of content.

I'm all about quick success.

There is no easy way to grow a business and hire staff. It’s hard. But it doesn’t have to be hard with the right tools and knowledge.. I believe that your life could be completely different in just 90 days. My students who follow my process get radical results fast. I created Pet Business Accelerator to expedite your success.

I put my heart into it.

It might sound cheesy, but I’m at my happiest if I can help hard-working and caring business owners like you fulfill their dreams. I care deeply about each of my students success. I beleive in this course wholeheartedly and stand behind it. 

Jam packed with over reaching knowledge.

While I have years of experience hiring and developing a team in my own dog walking businesss, I also bring with me the practical knowledge of working in a corporate setting where I enjoyed the position of a District Manager of a international grocery store. 

Nothing you can google.

Absolutely nothing that is taught in my course can be found in a blog article or googled in general. I mix science, with experience and tried & proven techniques to get you to the next level in your dog walking business.

My students love this program.

I believe in this program because my students are getting results. They are stepping out of their shadows, taking their personal and leadership growth to a whole new level and are finally able to take the time to work ON their business. Their success means everything to me. 

Now it’s your turn.


that outlines my exact step-by-step system for expansion and hiring.

12 weekly coaching sessions with zue

for personalized support and accountability so you can go deeper and expedite your success.

Training starts on Friday, December 1st.

A note from me
I remember how scary it was to give up control and start trusting someone else. I had every reason not to move forward:
 I didn’t feel 100% ready.

 I didn’t know if my clients would mind.

 I felt it was still somewhat of a gamble financially.

 I felt like i wasn’t fully qualified.

Thankfully, I was more afraid of regret than failure…so I went full steam ahead and did it anyways. I worked hard to balancing out the financials and giving up control. This quote by Mercedes Lackey puts it nicely:
“If only. Those must be the two saddest words in the world.”
I stopped telling myself the story that i didn’t have enough time or energy and started telling myself I would MAKE the time and FIND the energy to create something that would change my life.
On the other side of the resistance, the fear, and all the hard work…was freedom.

This is what I want for you.

Pet Business Accelerator gives you the tools to create the success story you have been dreaming about. My  students (who were worried as they hit the “buy now” button for Accelerator) are taking on staff to help them build out their business, so they get to step out and start creating their own empire.

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